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Cooperative Games in Play Therapy

Date:   To Be Determined

Time: To Be Determined

Location: To Be Determined


For any information not on this flyer, please email:


Training Description:

This workshop will demonstrate various games and interventions that can be used during play therapy with youth in the welfare system, probation system and/or behavioral health system. This workshop covers how to use cooperative board games, web-based co-op games, and co-op games that can be played on game consoles. This workshop will also address how interventions can be applied both in face-to-face settings as well as virtual settings.


About the Trainer:

Cristal Alvarado is a bilingual Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) and Registered Play Therapist (RPT) with an MA in Counseling Psychology and Correctional Emphasis. She currently works with at-risk youth and Hayward families at the Hayward Police Department. Cristal previously worked with First Five in East San Jose and has been practicing play therapy since 2017. Cristal provides play therapy trainings centered on culture to agencies in the San Francisco Bay Area.


**All instructors and staff declare that they have no known conflicts of interest.*


Educational Goals: 

  • By the end of the workshop participants will be able to: 

    • Use and implement cooperative games virtually and in-person. 

    • Demonstrate the ability to intentionally use cooperative games to help move the therapeutic process forward. 

    • Assess family time during an observation session to identify family/individual strengths and needs.



  • Participants will be able to distinguish the difference between competitive and cooperative games as well as identify at least 2 factors that distinguish the 2 categories.
  • Participants will be able to identify and implement at least 4 co-op games that can be used in different phases of treatment either virtually or in face-to-face sessions. 
  • Participants will be able to explain at least 5 skills that clients gain from engaging in cooperative play.


Target Audience:

This is an introductory course designed for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, LEPs, pre-licensed associates, and graduate mental health students.



To request accommodations for special needs, please email the Program Administrator at



To obtain the grievance policy or report a grievance please email or call 510-516-4345.



Course Completion certificates will be awarded at the end of the course in exchange for a completed evaluation form and passing of a post-test. Course meets the qualifications for 3 hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs and LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences.



Full refund if canceled 45 days before training, minus $50 administrative fee; after that date there will be no refund unless space is filled from the waiting list. Participants may cancel via If a course must be cancelled, the course participants are notified via email no later than one week in advance. In the event that an instructor has an emergency and must cancel a course with less than a week notice, participants will me notified immediately via email and include information regarding a rescheduled date.




Course meets the qualifications for 3 hours of continuing education credit, for LMFTs, LCSW's, LPCC's, and LEP's as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. Cristal Alvarado is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (Provider #10003384) to sponsor continuing education for LMFT's, LCSW;s, LPCC;s, and LEP's. Cristal Alvarado maintains responsibility for the program and all its content.



Part 1: Video Game Background

9:00 am - 9:45am

  • Introductions

  • Play Based vs. Play Therapy

  • Competitive vs Co-Op

  • Video Game Stats and Research


Part 2: Using Co-Op in Therapy

9:45 am - 10:50 am

  • Co-Op during Assessment Phase

    • Case Studies

    • Observation Exercise

  • Co-Op During Treatment Phase

    • Recommended Games/Activities

    • Case Studies

    • Practice Empathic Reflecting


10:50 am - 11:00 am BREAK (10 mins, no CEUs)


11:00 am - 11:30 am

  • Co-Op Musical Chairs

  • Questions

Cooperative Games in Play Therapy

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    Fluidez en la terapia de juego

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    Reconozco las tierras ancestrales de los pueblos Ohlone y Coast Miwok como propietarios tradicionales y cuidadores de la tierra en la que nos reunimos, vivimos, trabajamos y visitamos. Reconozco que los pueblos Ohlone y Coast Miwok no solo han tenido que soportar el genocidio y la colonización, sino también sus tierras ancestrales que se extienden desde la Bahía de San Francisco hasta Big Sur, que fue robada y explotada. Respeto a sus mayores, pasados, presentes y futuros. También reconozco que la comunidad indígena está viva y presente. Este es realmente un llamado para que todos nosotros continuemos aprendiendo y siendo mejores defensores y apoyando a las comunidades indígenas. Si desea saber más sobre la tierra en la que se encuentra y la comunidad indígena de esa tierra, consulte este enlace: Para obtener más información sobre Muwekma Ohlone People, visite su sitio web oficial: No solo estoy feliz de aprender más y hacer más, sino que animo a una comunidad de compartir información, colaboración y defensa.


    Fluent In Play Therapy da la bienvenida y acepta a personas de todos los géneros, culturas, razas, religiones,

    orientaciones y habilidades sexuales.

    Ā© 2022 por Cristal Alvarado. Orgullosamente creado con

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